Have you ever been scrolling through the internet and found something that you absolutely loved, or knew that you would want to be able to find again? Then, to do so, you clicked on the little yellow star in Chrome and that page was bookmarked; forever in your browser for you to return to when needed? That is what Bookmark Content is; something that makes people want to stay connected to it.
Many digital marketers think that every piece of information they put out there is important and useful, and they are right. But it might only be useful to them, or a select few within their niche. The key to getting people to bookmark content (pages, blogs, videos, etc.) is that it holds immense value and that it is captivating and unique. To be of immense value it needs to be actionable; that is, something that people can use to make their lives a little better, or easier. To be captivating and unique your content must be original, eye-opening and relevant to the times. It cannot be a replica of what others are doing, and it must place you as the expert in your field.
So, how do you do it? How do you create content that is original, interesting, of immense value and that places you as an expert in your field? Here are seven simple steps to creating bookmark content for your business.
Be Relevant, But Don’t Compete
To be honest, if you are just going to create another post on a topic that everyone is talking about, it won’t stand out. You need to be offering something different, something they will not get anywhere else. But it needs to be relevant (to the lives of people or current trends) if it is going to get noticed. One way to start is to take your idea for a topic and put it into Google’s search bar. Then, see what comes up with the predictor-text.
For example: if you want to write about the Paleo Diet, type in paleo diet and see what else Google suggests to you. Write them down. These things that come up are what people are most frequently searching for in recent times, in relation to your topic. You will want to choose one of these because you can be sure that people want it. Do this a few times with a combination of words around paleo (paleo, how to paleo, etc.) and make a list of at least ten topic ideas. Then choose one; it will be the basis of your text.
Then, once you have chosen one, type it into the search bar and read the articles/websites that come up on the first page. You want to do this so that you know what is out there and DO NOT create content that is similar; you want to be different and better than these! Note what you can do differently to these articles that gives more value, and you have your topic.
If you want to go one step further, do a keyword search for related keywords, and use these in your articles to help with your SEO rankings. It will assist your piece in getting read by more people.
Catch Their Attention
Now that you have your topic, you need to grab the attention of the people who come across your article. This happens with the Title. It must be unique, enticing and completely original. There are a few things that make a headline really good:
It needs to be short: 10 words or less is enough
It needs to have action: Readers know what they will get when they read it
It needs strong wording: Play on the emotions of the reader to hook them in
It needs to be relatable: Readers need to know why it is relevant to them
Another thing that can work well is to make a promise (i.e., How You Can Lose 5 kilos in 2 Weeks on the Paleo Diet). But be careful, you need to show proof that it can be done, and it would be wise to pop in a disclaimer if necessary because not everyone will lose 5 kilos!
If you make your title controversial, it will get more reads, and bookmarks. People love to read the opinions of others, particularly on current events and hot topics. (For example: Why The Paleo Diet Is A Waste of Time)
If you have trouble deciding on a headline, save it until the end of the article, because you may go off topic anyway. Then ask a friend to help you, or try writing 25 variations. You are sure to find one there! If not, there are plenty of Title Creator resources on the internet.
Do Your Research
To create bookmark content, you need to place yourself as an expert in the field; you need to be seen as knowing what you are talking about and that what you have to say is of value. As such, do thorough research on your topic. You may have opinions or personal experiences, and that is great, but they are more likely to be influential if they are backed by truths or studies shown by other people.
If you have statistics on why the Paleo Diet is a waste of time, reference them in your text (and make sure you give credit to the source!). Or perhaps you include quotes from research studies around why the diet should help people lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks – use the quotes, identify the studies and reference the source. It doesn’t need to be an academic paper with a bibliography, but a few external sources will help give you credibility. Also, show any proof that you have of your own.
Additionally, it is a harsh world out there and people will be quick to call you out if you get something wrong. Make sure that your facts are correct and that you have a strong basis for your opinions. There may be people who argue your point and you need to be able to back yourself. The best way to do this is to conduct thorough research before you begin the piece. It might take a little longer than you wanted, but it will save you heartache in the end!
Writing The Piece
So now that you have decided on the topic and conducted your research, you are ready to write the article/blog. How, then, do you make it engaging and bookmark-worthy? Well, the first thing is credibility, and you have that because you have done your research. Tick that one off the list.
Then you need to make sure that you add value. What can you give your readers in the article that will make life easier for them? What can you teach them that they didn’t already know? What will they get out of reading your article?
Formatting is critical. If you are not a seasoned writer, you might just blurt everything out on the page. But readers won’t cope with this. Give them a short burst of information at a time, keeping one or two ideas to each paragraph. It doesn’t matter if the paragraph is only two sentences long; it will help the reader to break up their thoughts and digest your marvellous writing easier.
If you can, include visuals. But only use them if they are extremely relevant and add value. For example, a short video could give more detail about something you are explaining, or so too could an infographic.
It is best to let the article sit for a day or so before editing, and there are two reasons for this. The first is that you are too close to it at the end and you will not see every mistake. You will read what you intended to write, as opposed to what is actually on the page. Sounds silly, but it is true.
The second reason is that you may think of things to add once you walk away and relax, or are lying in bed at night. You might remember a source to include or an action that you wanted to give your audience.
After you are happy with it, do an initial spellcheck. Use the computer but also use your own eyes! The computer is not always correct, because of the correct spelling of the wrong word (i.e., their, they’re and there). Then, when you are completely happy, give it to someone else to edit. Preferably not your housemate, but someone who is excellent at writing skills and can give you a valid opinion.
Give More Value
Before you publish that article, be critical. Would you want to bookmark this article? Why? Ask the person who edited your writing if they would bookmark it, and why or why not? If they say no, make the changes that they suggest, and then ask yourself if you could give more value?
What else could you include in the article that benefits the reader? Perhaps there is an infographic you could add or an instructional video. Maybe you could explain how something will work, or how to do something in more detail. Could you give 3 Simple Paleo Breakfast Recipes, to help get them started on their journey? Whatever it is, it needs to be helpful to the reader and make their life easier in some way.
Get It Out There!
Now that you have this amazing article, no one is going to bookmark it unless they know it is there! So, share it on your social media pages, share it via email and ask your friends to share it, too. When you post on social media, ask your fans to share it (but ask nicely!). For example, “We love this article! SHARE if you love it too!” Or, you could ask for people to provide their feedback on it in the comments section. They will not only give you feedback, but it will also start a social discussion and it will be shared with more people.
If it is an article designed to get people to your website or to buy something, you might want to consider spending a small amount on paid advertising to increase the reach.
If it is purely for content purposes, though, use as many free avenues as you can to promote it. Comment about it on other blogs or social media pages so that people can find it. In the end, what was the point of doing all of that amazing work if no one is going to read it?