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Social Media Marketing

Turn casual fans and complete strangers into paying customers and brand advocates.

Social media management gives your brand the ability to connect with your ideal customers and the opportunity to turn them into customers.

Managing your social media requires a clear, on point, content strategy, solid consistency and a dump track full of creativity.

Social Media Marketing

Performance Driven Social
Media Marketing That Cuts Through

We specialise in delivering eye catching content and creative marketing campaigns that convert.

Social Media Marketing

Paid Social Media

We take your goals and turn them into high converting advertising campaigns using the most effective laser focused targeting and messaging.

Influencer Marketing

Nowadays, people trust testimonials and reviews from their favourite influencers. Partnering with industry specific thought leaders or celebrities can help you grow your following on social media by encouraging engagement with the brand!

Organic Social Media

More than just posting photos and videos of your holidays or pet. Your brand needs to stand out in today’s busy digital world with creative organic content across all major platforms.

Social media for brands who want to cut through the noise

With a team of experts, we’ll help you reach your audience and fulfil objectives through social media marketing. We start with an in-depth business objective analysis to determine the best platforms for generating your desired goals – then create and execute custom strategies to achieve them!

Brand Awareness.fw social media marketing

Brand Awareness

Lead Generation.fw social media marketing

Lead Generation

sales.fw social media marketing








Digital Marketing Dashboard


Digital Marketing Dashboard

Key Metrics
Our reports offer a clear look at the key metrics that matter most to your business.

Creative Analysis
See which of the creatives have performed best that month and split test in the subsequent months.

Demographic Breakdown
We provide a monthly demographic breakdown for each profile.




With plenty happy customers, you can understand why we base our success on yours.



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Our team of experts bring you the latest and most cutting edge solutions from around the world.


Choosing the right social media platforms for your brand is an essential step in developing a successful marketing strategy. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to decide which platforms will offer you the best return on your investment.


When selecting the appropriate platform(s) for your brand, consider these factors:

  • Your target audience and their preferences – What demographic are you trying to reach? Knowing which age ranges prefer certain platforms can help you narrow down your choices.
  • The purpose of each platform – Not all social media sites are created equal; some may focus more on visual content while others lend themselves better to customer service inquiries. Knowing what role each platform plays allows you to better determine if it will meet your needs and goals.
  • The resources available – Developing a presence on multiple social networks requires time and energy, so be sure that investing in multiple outlets would make sense given the amount of resources you have at hand (i.e., staff, budget).


It’s important to not spread yourself too thin by being present everywhere; instead, aim for quality over quantity when choosing where to be active online. Popular brands may opt for having a presence on most major networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn – but even then they usually stick closely with one or two that are considered “marketing hubs” due to their massive followings and engaging features (like ads). Additionally depending on the type of industry or product niche that you’re in there are other specific channels like Pinterest or YouTube that could benefit from more targeted strategies as well!

Negative comments on social media can be difficult to handle and downright discouraging. But with the right attitude, you can deal with them in a healthy and productive manner.

First of all, if it’s an anonymous commenter, try to keep your distance – both physically and mentally. There’s no point in engaging with someone you don’t know as they won’t take any ownership for their words or actions, which makes it very hard to come up with any sort of resolution. Instead of wasting time debating or arguing back, move on from the comment without further thought.

If it is someone that you actually know who is leaving negative comments on your page, consider whether they have a valid point that could help improve your online presence. Maybe they are pointing out something incorrect? Or maybe they are trying to give helpful advice? It’s important to recognise when criticism is warranted so that you can learn from the experience and make necessary adjustments if needed.

At the same time however, don’t be too quick to accept everything people say about you as fact—especially when those words come from non-reliable sources such as trolls or bots! Acknowledge their opinion but remember that ultimately this doesn’t define who YOU are unless YOU choose for it to do so! Rather than getting overly caught up in responding directly or trying to “win an argument” (which unfortunately rarely ends well regardless), focus instead on taking constructive steps towards making sure these types of interactions do not happen again in the future – by managing harassment better for instance! That way YOUR brand remains protected no matter what kind of feedback comes its way!

Remember: try not let other people’s opinions negatively affect how you feel about yourself; remain true & authentic even when things get tough & challenging !

The short answer is: Yes! Paid social media advertising can be an effective way to reach your target audience.

At its core, paid social media advertising involves creating ads on a platform like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and then paying for that ad to be seen by more people (or those within a specific target audience) than it would normally reach organically. It’s important to note that you don’t necessarily have to pay for every view – you might pay per 1,000 impressions or based on the actions taken as a result of someone seeing (and potentially engaging with) your ad.

The benefits of paid social media advertising are varied and plentiful; some of the main ones include:

  • Increased visibility: Your brand will get more exposure since you promote it in front of many new eyes each day.
  • Improved customer relationships: A well-crafted ad featuring visuals and content relevant to customers can help foster trust between them and your brand.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Paid campaigns typically cost less than traditional marketing methods, allowing businesses with tighter budgets to still join in the fray.
  • Targeting options available: You have an array of targeting options available so that you spend money only when it’s likely going towards potential customers who care about what you offer — instead of just randomly spending budget without a goal or strategy in mind!

But despite all these upsides, there are also pitfalls associated with paid social media advertising—especially given how overcrowded platforms like Facebook have become over time due cannibalisation from other brands paying for attention too. As such, one should always keep their campaigns tightly managed — monitoring performance metrics daily if necessary — so they get maximum ROI out of the investment they made into these ads while making sure they stay compliant with any applicable rules set forth by the platform owners themselves (e.g., Facebook running guide).

All said though. Paid Social Media Advertising remains one potent weapon in any digital marketer’s arsenal—it just requires proper execution/followthrough once activated so as not fall flat on its face right at takeoff…because nothing looks worse than wasted budget spent but no advantageous results achieved!

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of social media can be an incredibly daunting task, especially if you’re just starting out with your business. After all, it’s easy to invest a lot of money and time into social media campaigns without knowing how much they’re actually returning in terms of measurable results. But don’t worry – there’s no need to fear ROI measurement in social media anymore! With the right strategies and tools at your disposal, measuring ROI can be a straightforward process that yields great insights into the success or failure of your campaigns.

First, let’s take a look at why measuring ROI is so important for social media marketing. Knowing exactly how much each dollar or minute is bringing back allows you to allocate resources more efficiently and create better content that resonates with customers more effectively. Measuring ROI also helps marketers optimize their efforts by seeing what activities are providing the highest returns; this data-driven approach ensures that investments are made in those areas where they will generate maximum value for businesses.

Finally, understanding which posts and channels generate the most response from target users allows marketers to focus their energies on those channels specifically rather than wasting time attempting to get traction on platforms people aren’t interacting with as much as others.

Now let’s dive into how one might measure ROI through practical steps:

  1. Begin by establishing objectives and goals – What do we want our campaign/initiatives to achieve? Set realistic goals against which any successes or failures can be measured against afterwards. This could include obtaining followers or signups from specific websites/social network sites within a certain timeframe etc.;
  2. Use tracking links throughout any activity – Tracking links allow you measure both engagement levels about content as well as conversions from prospecting initiatives like email blasts;
  3. Measure sentiment across different touch points – Find out what people think about your brand and its products/services by looking at comments, feedback provided through surveys/questionnaires etc.;
  4. Analyse past performance across different networks – Looking back over previous campaign performance helps provide tangible benchmarks when assessing future performance;
  5. Track user engagement – Utilising analytics tools such as Google Analytics will help track traffic sources & paths visitors take while navigating through website pages;
  6. Calculate total costs versus revenue generated– Estimate the cost invested (in terms of money & time spent creating material etc.) vs returns obtained after campaign conclusion i.e number of leads generated compared against expenses incurred during same period). This calculation will yield percentage profits made (or losses suffered!).

Finally remember that calculating an exact monetary return on investment may not always possible but understanding these “value indicators” should still prove useful come decision making time! When it comes down analysing success metrics for digital projects often times other key elements besides hard hitting financial calculations should also be taken into consideration e.g. clicks received, unique visits, shares, retweets etc.

Aiming for higher impressions doesn’t always equate increased dollar values but sometimes this soft data plays an equally important part when compiling final assessment reports!

Learn More: 19 FAQs Social Media by Hootsuite